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Just like household expenses, birthdays, and children’s activities, the ever-changing tax landscape can be difficult to keep track of. What if we told you that there was a way to keep abreast of changes in the tax world with less effort?

Taxnet Pro, Canada’s premier online tax service, comes equipped with various tools such as our legislative tracker and cases under appeal documents, which are updated on a regular basis to provide you with up-to-date and current information to aid in your research. What’s more, you’ll be the first to know about all legislative changes through our customizable TaxNews feature that alerts you once an update is made.

Our abundance of tools and solutions, including checklists and calculators, in combination with the expert commentary from industry leaders, and Thomson Reuters state-of-the-art technology is what differentiates Taxnet Pro from the rest.

Interested in a free, no-obligation demo to learn more? Register here.